Choose to run AspDotNetStorefront as a Service. We will secure it and keep it always-up-to-date as part of your service plan.

  • Never pay for another expensive upgrade
  • Securely hosted by the AspDotNetStorefront experts
  • New features, updates, and fixes applied without delay or any real downtime
  • Complete freedom to customize your storefront's appearance

Leave your cares (and your custom code!) behind. Move your storefront into the preFIX program.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Secure, expert hosting (Managed SSL certificate included)

Patches and hot-fixes immediately applied

Frequent Regular Updates (fix & features)

Customize your store's cosmetic appearance

Featured Products on your homepage

'Sign Up' promo box

Top 'mega menu'

Daily Backups (more frequently upon request)

24/7 support

PCI-mandated security services

New hand-crafted customer email notifications


Access to the DotFeed platform

Product feed to Google and Bing

DotFeed's Abandoned Cart Reporting

DotFeed's Order Export facility


Hosting in the Cloud

Support by telephone

Permanent 'sandbox' duplicate store

Optional Extras

Additional domain to share your database

1 GB extra disk space

500 MB extra database space

500 GB extra bandwidth













Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

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