Featured Products

Price: $152.00

"Featured Products" is now available in a responsive version.

Let's make sure that you know that:

  1. Featured Products is free with all new sales of AspDotNetStorefront carts
  2. Got MultiStore? Featured Products is a part of the Bundled MoreStore.
  3. Featured Products is free for all domains covered by Year Round Benefits

Add Featured Products to your store and spotlight the products that are important to your business.

Your admin console can be configured to designate a product in your inventory as "featured" and it dynamically populates in the Featured Products section, typically displayed on the homepage.

If the product sells out, it will automatically be removed from the Featured Products section.

Featured Products Offers:

  • A spotlight on your homepage for high margin items
  • Completely customizable look and feel
  • Responsive Design
  • "Add to Cart" directly from the featured product module
  • Admin controlled
  • Dynamically updated
  • Supports more options than 'out-of-box' feature which is limited to name and image
  • Display products in a specific order, or randomize them to test customer interest
  • Can display list, sale and customer price for featured product
  • Has a CSS class to support the ability to refine look and feel to match overall site