Cloudflare Premium

The use of Cloudflare's Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a mandatory condition of hosting your site with Vortx. A web application firewall (WAF) is a specific form of application firewall that filters, monitors, and blocks traffic to and from a website. It is a critical component in the war against cyber-attacks.

This 'Premium' version is ideal for people who appreciate the benefits of the Cloudflare service including:

  • Full control over DNS (including CNAME)
  • Full access to redirect rules (avoids the need for changing core Vortx configuration files)
  • Performance reporting
  • Visibility into block and attempted attackers

Price: $52.00
Onboarding to Cloudflare requires you to log in to your DNS registry and create a zone file (NOTE: with Cloudflare Premium, you can onboard using CNAME). Once you have done that, the Vortx team will provide you with detailed  documentation to allow you to configure the firewall to serve your site to the fullest. 

If you find that you're not comfortable with handling the DNS and the configuration, then we recommend that you use some of the time assigned to you when you subscribe to our service program to help you.